Night Swim Review

Night Swim Review

Night Swim Review

This weekend we were treated to horror movie that was full of jump scares but couldn’t live up to what we would call a horror classic

Based on the acclaimed 2014 short film by Rod Blackhurst and Bryce McGuire. This film about a former major league baseball player forced into early retirement by a illness, seems great in theory.

He moves into a new home with his concerned wife Eve. Secretly hoping, against the odds, to return to pro ball, Ray persuades Eve that the new home’s shimmering backyard swimming pool will be fun for the kids and provide physical therapy for him. But a dark secret in the home’s past will unleash a malevolent force that will drag the family under, into the depths of inescapable terror.

The first half of the movie is remarkably effective, especially if you’ve ever had a pool, and especially if you’ve swum in it at night, though lots of “Night Swim” happens during the day. Jumps abound, But this film goes downhill at some point. The concept is so strong — the pool, that makes you dead — that all additions after a certain point start to feel like overkill.


The problem with “Night Swim” is that it’s trying to say a little too much, which isn’t a complete pleasure-killer, but can get distracting. It’s partly a movie about a primal fear of the water, and that’s where it’s most effective.

It’s a movie about the dark side of ambition and the true nature of sacrifice; also family favoritism, and illness, and maybe hell.

It is a great time in the movie theater, but its replay value is low and you will quickly forget about what you just saw. pool owners should be glad it’s a January release. You’ll have a few months to let the dread wear off. #nightswim #meosmoviereview #ourconic #moviereview #movieclips #filmreview #movies


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