During an appearance on "The Late Show," actor Tom Hanks recreated his unusual cocktail creation with host Stephen Colbert. See how the duo react to "The...
Kelly Dodd's husband, Rick Leventhal, is in the emergency room after being involved in a nasty car accident -- seemingly related to SoCal's fierce storms --...
After saying, "I'm Japanese and I didn't know it" about her response to Harajuku culture in an interview this week, Gwen Stefani sparked backlash.
Georgia police arrested a couple after the man allegedly attempted to rob a convenience store in Ellijay. During the robbery, three armed customers subdued the suspect.
An Illinois family asked the Illinois Prisoner Review Board to keep the killer of their daughter locked up during a clemency hearing on Tuesday.
Singer Malu Trevejo is devastated by allegations she was abusive to people who used to work for her ... and she's planning to fight a lawsuit...
Pell was the most senior Catholic cleric to be convicted of child sex abuse and spent 404 days in solitary confinement in his native Australia only...
Amid torrential rains and winds hitting Southern California, a Tesla three people inside, including child, drove through a wall and crashed into a pool.
Chicago Bears general manager Ryan Poles said Tuesday he'd have to be "absolutely blown away" with a quarterback to draft one No. 1 overall in April...
• California has been getting rainfall totals that are 400% to 600% above average • Video: What are atmospheric rivers? • California's flooding, in pictures